Phone: 705-636-5941   

Fax: 705-636-5759   

Monday ā€“ Friday:  8:30 am ā€“ 4:30 pm


The Township of Perry has passed an accessibility policy outlining our commitment to accessibility in our Township.

The Township is dedicated to achieving accessible customer service, with employees frequently undergoing training on legislation and overcoming accessibility barriers. Since 2009, the Township has had an accessible customer service policy in place.

The Corporation of the Township of Perry welcomes feedback on our provision of services while serving customers with disabilities. Feedback may identify areas that require change and encourage continuous service improvement. The public can provide feedback to the municipality on the delivery of goods and services to persons with disabilities by completing the Customer Feedback Form and returning it to the Township of Perry by:

Regular mail:

Beth Morton, Clerk-Administrator

1695 Emsdale Road, PO Box 70, Emsdale, Ontario P0A 1J0

By fax: 705-636-5759

By email: Beth Morton