By-laws are created as a way to address local issues and concerns. They are adopted to protect the environment, public health and safety, or to maintain an orderly appearance in your community. The Municipal Act grants Council the power to pass By-laws.
View our Quick Reference Guide for Property Owners and Renters for information on our most searched by-laws.
The following are copies of some of the Township By-laws most requested by the public:
Along with other requirements in the Regulate the Keeping and Controlling of Dogs By-law (2006-01 and 2013-45), please remember to:
- REGISTER your dog(s) by purchasing a Dog Tag annually, and remember to provide the Township with any updates
- KEEP your dog OFF public beaches between May and September
- KEEP your dog on a leash in public areas
- CLEAN UP your dog’s feces
The Township also has a Care of Animals By-law with information on shelter, food, and care requirements for animals.
View our Fees and Charges By-law below for a list of applicable fees.
The Backyard Chicken & Ducks By-law establishes the regulations regarding the raising of chickens or ducks on a residential property of less than two hectares within the Township of Perry.
For more information, please contact the By-law Enforcement Officer.
The Cemeteries By-law establishes the maintenance, management, regulation and control of Township-owned cemeteries. Visit our Cemeteries webpage for additional information.
View our Fees and Charges By-law below for a list of applicable fees.
The Civic Addressing and Road Naming By-law sets the parameters and guidelines for civic addressing (9-1-1 numbers) and the naming of roads. Complete the Civic Address Form and submit to the Chief Building Official to receive your new or replacement blue 9-1-1 blade.
Note: the Township does not issue a civic address number for vacant land unless a valid building permit has been submitted.
View our Fees and Charges By-law below for a list of applicable fees.
As per requirements under the Municipal Act, the By-law to establish a Council Code of Conduct applies to the Mayor, Councillors, Local Boards, and Committee Members within the Township.
For additional information on the Council Code of Conduct, on the position of the Integrity Commissioner, their role with Council, and application forms, visit our Mayor and Council page.
For more information, please contact the By-law Enforcement Officer.
For more information, please contact the By-law Enforcement Officer.
The Entrance Permit By-law sets out the parameters and guidelines for property owners who wish to construct a driveway on their land.
View our Fees and Charges By-law below for a list of applicable fees.
The Fees and Charges By-law establishes the user fees and charges within the Township. The by-law includes waste tipping fees, community centre rental fees, application fees, and general administration fees.
As per the Regulate the Sale and Use of Fireworks By-law, fireworks are prohibited at all times within the Township of Perry. Contact the By-Law Enforcement Officer for additional information or to apply for an exception for ‘Display Fireworks’.
The Flag Protocol By-law establishes guidelines on when flags within the Township will be flown at half-mast, full-mast, or specialty awareness flags.
For information or to submit a specialty flag raising request, contact the Clerk Administrator.
The Municipal Act authorizes municipalities to appoint an Integrity Commissioner who is responsible for acting in an independent manner to apply the Code of Conduct of Council and local boards. The Township of Perry has appointed Aird & Berlis, LLP, as its Integrity Commissioner.
For additional information on the position of the Integrity Commissioner, their role with Council, and application forms, visit our Mayor and Council page.
The Noise By-law establishes rules surrounding noise in our communities.
Generally, noise is prohibited in the Township between 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. Monday to Sunday and on holidays. Please refer to the by-law for specific information and rules.
Contact the By-law Enforcement Officer to inquire about applying for an exception to the noise by-law or submit a noise complaint.
(Off Road Vehicles (ORVs) are permitted to operate on roads under the jurisdiction of the Township of Perry. Speed limits for ORVs are established in the by-law.
The Open Air Burning By-law establishes the guidelines surrounding Open Air Burning (campfires and non-recreational burns).
Campfires are to be no larger than 2 feet x 2 feet and are permitted unless the Township is under a Total Fire Ban/Extreme Fire Rating. No Daytime Burning (between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.) is permitted from April 1 to October 31. Visit our Fire Services Page for additional information and current fire rating.
The Parks and Designated Swimming Areas By-law establishes guidelines surrounding the use and enjoyment of parks and beaches.
The Notice By-law prescribes the form and manner for the provision of public notice as prescribed by the Municipal Act.
The Procedural By-law 2017-06 adopts a procedure for governing the calling, place, and proceedings for all meetings.
By-law 2022-90 - Amendment to Procedural By-law 2017-06 (electronic meetings & attendance)
The Signs and Advertising Devices By-law sets the parameters of the size, use, location, and maintenance of signs and advertising devices.
To install or erect a sign or advertising device, complete the application and submit to the Chief Building Official.
View our Fees and Charges By-law above for a list of applicable fees.
The Speed By-law 2022-105 sets the speed limits for all roads under the jurisdiction of the Township of Perry.
The Waste Disposal By-law prohibits the unauthorized disposal of waste and regulates waste disposal within the Township.
Documents on Website
Please note only commonly requested by-laws and policies are posted on the website. Those provided electronically are for information only and may not retain the exact structure of the original versions. Readers should verify information before acting on it.
All by-laws and policies are available by contacting the Clerk-Administrator, and reference should be made to the official version for any legal purposes. Every effort is made to ensure the by-laws and policies on this website are accurate and contains the latest amendments; however, the Corporation of the Township of Perry cannot guarantee the accuracy of information provided here.