Phone: 705-636-5941   

Fax: 705-636-5759   

Monday – Friday:  8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Garbage and Recycling

Transfer Station/Recycling Centre

775 Hwy 592 N


Email the Transfer Station

For General Inquiries, please contact the Transfer Station.

Click Under "RECYCLING" for updates on the Township's Recycling Program transition starting March 1, 2025.

Hours of Operation

Friday - Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday & Thursday: Closed

New Year's Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Canada Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day.

When the holiday falls on a Wednesday, the Transfer Station will be closed on the Tuesday preceding the holiday. If the holiday falls on a Thursday, the Transfer Station will be closed on the Friday following the holiday.

2025 Transfer Station Cards are now available for pickup. Please ensure you have proof of residence available.

Each household is permitted to dispose of an allotted 60 bags of refuse per year. Carry-over bags from one month to another is now permitted. A charge of $5.00 for each bag to be disposed of above the 60 bags limit will apply.

Bags of refuse are limited to a maximum size of 31” by 42”, and residents must use clear bags for their garbage; black/dark/tinted/coloured/white garbage bags are not accepted. You are also permitted one opaque “privacy” bag inside each clear bag. This bag is to be approximately the size of grocery store bag and can be any colour.

Commercial businesses are now allotted an additional 5 bags of refuse per month. Please fill out the Commercial Business Request Form and return it to the Municipal Office for approval.

Please visit our By-law page to view the most recent Fees & Charges By-law for up-to-date fees associated with the disposal of specific items. The Transfer Station accepts Cash, Debit, Visa, and MasterCard as payment for tipping fees.

If you are a property owner with a contractor who needs access to the Transfer Station, please complete the Contractor Authorization Form located under the Other Building Resources on our Permits page.

Transfer Station Cards 2025

Transfer Station Passes for 2025 are now available for pickup at the Municipal Office.

If you would like your 2025 Transfer Station Pass mailed directly to you, please complete the “MAIL IN FORM” below.

Your completed form can be emailed to or returned to the Transfer Station or Municipal Office.

Authorization MAIL IN Form - Request to Mail Transfer Station Pass

Authorization Form - Assigning Authority to Receive Transfer Station Pass

If you are unable to print an Authorization Form, please email the following information to to have a 2025 Transfer Station Pass mailed to you:

- Your Full Name (Property Owner Name)

- Mailing Address

- Civic Address of Property

- Tax Assessment Roll Number

- Phone Number

Household Hazardous Waste Day for 2024 is Saturday July 6 from 9am to 3pm.

On the specified Hazardous Waste Day, residents are encouraged to bring hazardous waste such as waste oil, insecticides, pool chemicals, and propane tanks to the Transfer Station.

View our complete list of accepted items: Township’s Household Hazardous Waste Guide.

Kindly remember that the Transfer Station will be busier than usual during this event. Please be patient with our Attendants and other residents.

Please be advised that when you rent out your cottage, all garbage and recycling becomes your responsibility. The Township’s Waste By-law sets out that transfer station cards may only be used by the person to whom the pass is issued. We have prepared a Cottage Renters’ Guide to assist property owners and renters on items that we feel will assist everyone. If you have any questions, please contact the Municipal Office at 705-636-5941.


In an effort to assist property owners, Vacation Rental Kits are available for purchase at the Transfer Station and Municipal Office. The Vacation Rental Kit contains everything a short-term renter needs in order to manage their garbage and recycling for a week, plus it includes a one-time Transfer Station Pass that eliminates the need for a Transfer Station card.

These kits include:

- a brochure of Township's waste management program, which may be a bit different from what they are used to at home;

- 1 clear plastic bag for household garbage;

- 1 clear plastic bag for recyclable containers;

- 1 large paper bag for recycling fibres/papers;

- A map showing the location of the Transfer Station, together with hours of operation;

- Disposal fees and what materials are accepted;

- Information on Campfires and the Township's "No Fireworks" Policy.

Vacation Rental Kits are available for purchase at the Transfer Station and Municipal Office for $5 each, or 10 for $45.

Resident must use clear bags for garbage, black/dark/tinted/coloured/white garbage bags are not accepted. You are permitted one opaque “privacy” bag inside each clear bag. This bag is to be approximately the size of grocery store bag and can be any colour. If you have any questions please see the Transfer Station Attendant.

The clear bag program has been implemented as a cost effective measure to increase diversion of materials from our landfill. Implementing a clear bag program also improves worker safety and protects transfer station attendants from cutting themselves on sharp objects such as broken glass or needles. The transfer station attendants are able to conduct a quick assessment of the contents within the clear bag(s) to ensure that no recyclable or hazardous items such as oil paint, pharmaceuticals products or corrosive wastes are in the bag.

For residents already doing their best to divert, this program should make no difference except for the color of bag they use. This program is intended to increase participation from households that do not presently recycle material by raising them to the standard of those who already participate.

View our Waste Disposal By-law under our By-law Page for additional information.

As of March 1, 2025, the Township’s recycling program will be managed by Circular Materials, a not-for-profit organization committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario. Emterra Environmental will be performing the recycling collection service at the Transfer Station. These changes are being made as a result of Ontario Regulation 391/21, which shifts the existing waste diversion programs to a producer responsibility model. This means producers (the companies that design, create and market products and packaging) will be responsible for managing and paying for the full life cycle of their products to make recycling easier and more accessible across the province. The switch to producer responsibility helps to promote waste diversion and will give producers incentive to make products easier to recycle.

Residents will still be required to sort their recyclable materials into two streams: Fibres (paper, cardboard, etc.), and Containers (plastics, juice cartons, glass jars, cans, etc.). All cardboard must be smaller than 3’ x 2’ and must be flattened before being recycled, and all containers must be emptied and rinsed. The location for recyclable materials will be moved from their current location, and the new location of the bins will be clearly marked at the Transfer Station.

You can also download the Circular Materials Recycling Wizard App for further information!


Non-recyclables include, but are not limited to, used paper towels & tissue, ceramic dishes and glassware, filters, large packing Styrofoam, CDs and VHS tapes, tarps, clothes hangers, binders, toys, lawn chairs and other hard plastics.

The Township currently offers the following recycling programs:

E-Waste and Battery Recycling

We accept your old batteries, computers, printers, TV’s, monitors, telephones, speakers, audio/video devices, cameras, fax machines, and projectors. Remember to wipe your devices clean, remove the hard drive, and/or clean your SIM cards.

E-Waste and Batteries are collected by EPRA.

Clothing – Diabetes Canada

The Township has partnered with the Canadian Diabetes Association to recycle gently used clothing for reuse. Please bring your bagged donations in today. All proceeds go to the Canadian Diabetes Association.


The Township can recycle all of your used lights through the Take Back the Light program and the Recycling Council of Ontario. Drop off all bulbs at the Transfer Station.


The Township is part of the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) for the collection and recycling of used tires. Please bring your used tires, off rim, to the Transfer Station.

Items for Donation

The Transfer Station's Reuse Centre is currently closed. To assist residents, below is a list of local organizations and groups to donate your gently used items:

Yonge Street Thrift Store, 205 Ontario St., Burk’s Falls, Wednesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Huntsville Salvation Army Thrift Store, 80 Centre St N, Huntsville, Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., ACCEPTING DONATIONS on Monday, Wednesday & Fridays

Habitat for Humanity - Restore, 70 King William St, Huntsville, Monday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Summer’s Attic, 4309 Hwy. 520, Magnetawan, contact for hours of operation at 705-787-8464

The Kearney Perry Joint Waste Management Committee oversees the waste disposal services for the Town of Kearney, as well as the Township of Perry.

2025 Joint Waste Management Committee Meeting Schedule