Phone: 705-636-5941   

Fax: 705-636-5759   

Monday ā€“ Friday:  8:30 am ā€“ 4:30 pm

Land Acknowledgement

Land Acknowledgement Statement

We, the Township of Perry, would like to respectively acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg peoples, specifically the Ojibwa, Potawatomi, and Odawa, under the terms of the Robinson-Huron Treaty #61 of 1850, and the Williams Treaties of 1923; that has come to be referred to by colonizers as Muskoka-Parry Sound. The territories under these Treaties include Wasauksing, Shawanaga, Magnetawan, Dokis, and Henvey Inlet First Nations. 

Today, with their enduring presence, the Anishinaabeg peoples still regard Muskoka-Parry Sound as their traditional territory known to them as the hunting grounds, medicine area, and gathering places, relayed to them through oral history passed down for generations. 

Together, we honour all Indigenous peoples - First Nations, Metis, and Inuit - for their cultures, languages, wise teachings, and ways of being. Their stewardship and protection of the land and water has shaped Turtle Island since time immemorial. We acknowledge the injustices and actions of genocide, ethnic cleansing, stolen land, and forced removal taken by colonizers across Canada. 

Together, we commit to learn, educate, honour, and take actions toward real truth and reconciliation representative of the Two Row Wampum Kaswentha of Peace, Friendship, and Respect between Turtle Island and European Settlers. 

We are grateful to be here and I hope you are too. Let's walk the path together in harmony for future generations. 

Miigwech. Thank you.